
I, Natasha Heard, am a hereditary Witch, My Mum and my late Aunt are both green Witches, my great grandmother was a Psychic and my great grandfather was a Water Diviner, many more of my ancestors had magickal backgrounds and as my Mum and I discover more about our heritage our lives, our interests and talents make more and more sense! I grew up writing down my dreams in the morning, collecting crystals, reading oracle cards and Runes, drinking herbal tea’s and interpreting the leaves, learning about the healing properties of weeds and magickal herbs, listening to stories from my Mum, my Grandmother and my Aunt’s of uncanny  premonitions, ghostly encounters, unexplainable spiritual experiences, and channelling. 

As a teenager, I studied everything I could get my hands on about the occult, Witchcraft, and anything  unexplainable. As an adult I turned all of this into my work. I use my artistic skills to create magickal tools like crystal Wands and altar tools, Talisman’s for Witches and magickal folk worldwide. My work is designed to empower others to step into their most magickal selves! I also teach online, how to make magickal tools, how to read Runes and other oracles, how to use a Pendulum and my newest Witching Hour LIVE workshops that offer a Spell, a guided Meditation and a magickal craft, all within a one hour class, it’s a little dabble in magick. 


natasha doing spellwork

No matter how big or small, how complex or simple ALL spells are valid and ALL Spells will work if you trust in the process! You can follow the Spells you have found in books or online or you can even make your own Spells up! All you need is the belief in your own abilities, and the belief in a higher power like the Universe, Gods and Goddesses, the Elements, Mother Earth and Father sky, the power of the Sun and the Moon, your spirit guides, your Ancestors in spirit, and the Divine! 

I’ve heard that Witchcraft is like spicy psychology and I agree, casting spells is about gaining power over any situation, when you weave your magick you are empowering yourself to take control, focusing on your goals and Manifesting the outcome. The magickal part is when you let go of that and TRUST that the Divine will take care of your wishes, you move forwards and focus on the next thing, and when you see the results of your weavings you gain more and more confidence in your own power! And more trust that the Divine is looking after you. 

A Spell can be easy, as simple as learning the symbology of colours, then lighting a candle in the colour of the outcome you want, writing your wishes on a small piece of paper and lighting it up, knowing that your wish is now floating up to the Universe to be heard by the Divine. 


RED, is for passion, motivation, material possessions.  

ORANGE, is creative, fertility, the arts. 

YELLOW, is for joy, learning and confidence.  

GREEN, is for the heart, for love, but also for money and abundance.  

BLUE, is for communication and freedom. 

PURPLE, divination and psychic abilities. 

WHITE, is for purification.  

BLACK, is for protection and banishing. 

Natasha Spell Candle

To take that candle Spell to the next level, plan ahead so your Spell can be cast at the perfect time, Witchcraft is nature based and nature is always moving in a circular motion, round and round goes the time of day, cycles of the Moon and the seasons, these cycles can play an important part in your Spellwork and bring balance to your casting. 

Moon phases play a big part in weather you are Manifesting (drawing energy to you) or Banishing (sending energy away), and for best results, do both! 


NEW MOON, start Spells for new beginnings, fresh starts, new projects. 

WAXING MOON, cast Spells for the things you wish to grow and manifest in your life. 

FULL MOON, cast Spells for self empowerment, confidence, manifest the BIG things when the Moon is full. 

WANING MOON, banish and release what no longer serves you, cleanse your space. 

DARK MOON, take a moment to go within, cut all ties to what no longer serves you and rest. 

ECLIPSES, Witches tend to not cast at an eclipse as the energy can be chaotic. 

I have learnt that you can’t Manifest if you don’t Banish, so don’t be afraid of Banishing, Banishing is simply making space for the Manifested energy to live. If you choose only to focus on Manifesting but you don’t make space for that energy to stay via Banishing, it simply will not stay with you! 

Now, if you want to cast a powerful Spell, before you start, cast an energetic circle (use your Wand or an Athame or your finger to trace a circle around you), this is a protective circle and it symbolises that you are serious about the magick you are about to cast. 

Call into your circle your ancestors in spirit (if you work with them) or your spirit guides, ask them to protect and guide you in your work, call in the elements, Earth, Air, Fire and Water, inviting the elements is invoking their powers to add a magickal boost to your spell! I also like to call in Mother Earth and Father Sky as I connect with them often, or any Deity I am working with, this is totally personal and up to you who you invite into your circle. 

Now , go ahead with your Spell. 

I like to make sure I am casting for one thing in particular each time, stay focused on one energy, one manifestation or banishment at the matching phase of the Moon. 

You can include Herbs, resins, oils, magickal Salts, crystals, altar tools, representation of all the elements, and even statues of the Deities you are working with if you wish, it’s totally up to you! You can make your Spell as complex as you like if you feel it will add to the power of your Spell. 

Here are two examples of how to write what you wish to Manifest or Banish on a piece of paper; 

To MANIFEST, write; I (your name) attract and Manifest (the things) for my highest path and the good of all, as I will it, so shall it BE

To BANISH write; I (your name), Banish and release (the things) from my mind, body and spirit. As I will it, so shall it be GONE

Folding the paper! Yes, folding can bring in or send away your wishes, so, to bring magick IN, say for love Spells, abundance and prosperity Spells fold your paper TOWARDS yourself. To send energy away for Banishing and releasing Spells, fold the paper AWAY from yourself. 

Now, you can burn your piece of paper with the candle flame, watch the smoke as it vanishes into the ethers allowing your wishes to be heard by the Divine! 

Candle Magic Natasha HEard


Thank your Ancestors, your spirit guides, the Elements and the Deities you previously invoked and open your circle. You may now step back into the mundane world and go about your everyday, safe in the knowledge and belief your Spell has been cast and your wishes heard by the ears of the Divine. 

Please know that YOU are POWERFUL! Your magick and your Spells can be as simple or as complex as you like or as you have time for in this busy world! And they WILL work. 

Really, every word you speak is a Spell, so watch your words! You can be your own altar and your whole life can be magickal if you believe it to be. 

Love and blessings, Natasha xx 

To work with me, please visit my website here and follow me Blessed Branches on Instagram and Facebook. 

Protection During Paranormal Investigations Q&A article with Natasha Can be Found Here



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Natasha Heard
Natasha Heard

Natasha an Hereditary Witch, artist, and magickal creatress with over 15 years of experience crafting unique, intuitive tools for modern Witchery. As the visionary behind Blessed Branches, she specializes in spell bottles, wands, altar besoms, wearable talismans, and more all inspired by ancient magick, nature, and practical Witchcraft.

Committed to sustainability, Natasha incorporates up-cycled and vintage materials, often sourced from treasure hunts with her husband. Her creations are guided by spirit and intuition, ensuring each piece resonates with its destined owner. Explore her magickal journey and discover more about her work through her website and social channels.

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