Kindred Spirits Paranormal – Insights from Christine

My name is Christine Wright, I am 65 years old and have been a paranormal investigator for over 40 years, Kindred spirits paranormal is the name of my team which consists of my Daughter Vicky (43) and Granddaughter Summer, (17) on occasions we also have Vicky’s younger Daughter, 13 year old Honey come along with us. I will give you a little about myself and how I came to be interested in the Paranormal.

It started when I was around 13 years old, I lived with my Mother, Father and Three Sisters in a tiny Village called Stanwick which is in Northamptonshire. My Father worked nights at a tannery in a town a few miles away, we didn’t have a lot of money and often couldn’t pay the bills, so our electricity was cut off on occasions. One night, just after our Father had gone to work the electricity went off, we all knew why, so all we had was our coal fire and a few candles for light.

Kindred Spirits Paranormal

Us girls were playing a game which involved us making shadow figures on the wall with the candle light, this of course led to arguments, so my Mother asked if we would like to hear a story of what happened to her when she was a little girl and they lived in a haunted house, so we got our blankets, sat on the sofa and started to listen.

To cut a very long story short, Mum and her parents moved into a railway house as her Father had just got a new job with the rail company, after a while, Mum would see a man at the bottom of her bed, he would just be standing there, the worst thing was, he had NO HEAD! Her parents at first didn’t believe her and put it down to dreaming or imagination, but due to her being so scared and it was making her ill they decided to ask around in the village to see if they could get some insight into the house. No one would really talk about it, then they found an elderly man who had lived in the village all his life.

He told them that a family once lived in the house, years before my Mums family moved in, the Husband worked for the railway, maintaining the tracks, one day he was standing on the tracks, the trains should have been diverted away, but one came hurtling down the track, the man stood no chance and was run over by the train, he died instantly and his head was found a few yards away from his body. The elderly man believed he was coming back to his home in spirit to look for his family. Needless to say, my Mother and her parents moved out a few weeks later.

Kindred Spirits Paranormal, Christine and Her family

The story was scary, but all I wanted to do was see a spirit like my Mother had. I would make a sort of Ouija board out of bits of paper and use a glass, nothing ever happened, but I never gave up. Then one day I went to an old abandoned rectory in the village, us kids used to play in the grounds after school, and on this day the door was left open, obviously by mistake, maybe there was going to be some work done on it, but we took our chance and went in, it was pitch black due to the windows being boarded up, but once our eyes got used to the dark we could see a large stair case, there was around 4 of us there, we started to walk up the stairs when we heard a deep booming voice shout “GET OUT” I was the last in line so was right at the back, we all screamed, I turned round straight away and there was no one there, as far as I was concerned, that was my first encounter with a spirit, and it certainly wouldn’t be my last.

So that was the beginning of my journey into the paranormal field, I grew up, got married and had 3 children, Gareth, Vicky and Tommy, Vicky was born on the 15th April 1981, I was 22 at that time. I was still very much into the paranormal, I would read books on the subject, go out on investigations with friends, or on my own, not as often as I would like as I had children to look after, but when my Husband was not working at night in the security industry, he would look after the kids while I went out investigating, he is a believer and knew how much it meant to me.

When Vicky was around 15 I told her the story of what happened to my Mother, she was fascinated and, just like me, she became interested in the paranormal, so one night we decided to go to our local crematorium to see if we could pick anything up, in those days there were no smart phones so we just had our big clunky old phones, but we snapped away in the darkness, Vicky kept getting a feeling someone was there, but there were no living people, when we got home and looked at our photos, we had captured the image of a lady, it was a misty shape, but you could definitely see it had the form of a lady, it was brilliant, unfortunately there was no facebook or you tube back then so we had no where to put the photos, they became lost over time.

From then on we would go out every weekend to various locations, mainly graveyards or cemeteries, old disused tunnels, even neighbours homes who believed they had a haunting. Vicky was as much into it as I was and she was never scared or refused to come with me, she loved communicating with the spirits and knowing there was life after death.

Anyway, fast forward to today, 43 years later for me (Not counting my childhood) and 28 years later for Vicky we are still going strong, we now have Vicky’s 17 year old Daughter Summer join us, the paranormal genes must run in the family! Things have changed a lot, we now have some equipment to help validate anything we hear, we have brilliant cameras with top of the range mics so what ever we hear is picked up, and often what we don’t hear is picked up. We have been to numerous haunted locations, sometimes the activity is non stop, other times we get hardly anything, there have been times when we wonder what the hell are we doing as things have gotten so bad and we have come across an angry spirit who does not want us there, we often say we will never return to the location but after getting home and getting over it, we are soon back there because that’s what we go for, we want proof that spirits are real, and we want to show people that they are so we document every investigation with video.

I have certainly, through all these years, learned a lot, one of the main things is a spirit will not communicate with you on demand, if they want to stay quiet they will, for them to manifest takes a heck of a lot of energy for them, its not often they can muster this energy so will not show themselves simply because they cant, they can let you know they are there in other ways though. I have also learned that just because a location looks creepy and haunted doesn’t mean it is, its got to have the history, there has to be a reason why it could be possibly haunted. I see so many investigators breaking into an old abandoned house or other buildings because in the dark they look creepy, full of cobwebs, but in reality the house or building was just abandoned because the owners left it and its gone into ruins. The one thing we never do is trespass, I don’t believe in it as every building has an owner and its not nice to have strange people wandering around your property, I wont count the time when I was a kid and went into the old rectory because….Well I was a kid.

So what spirits do I believe in? Your normal every day spirits who were once living breathing people, they loved being in a location in life, and will return after death, they want to stay there for eternity, they enjoy having some company from the living and happy that they are being spoken to and acknowledged, they are often very lonely but then we come along, ask them to communicate with us, they will do what they can to let us know they are there. We treat any spirits around us with the upmost respect, we don’t demand they communicate with us or show us some activity, we never shout, swear or tell them they must obey us, which is what some investigators do, its very very wrong, they still have feelings and you would not treat a living person like that, we always say please and thank you.

I also believe there are evil spirits around, they were once living breathing people as well, they were not nice people in life and are the same after death, I have encountered these spirits a few times, which you will see in the short videos I will give the link to, If they want you out, they will certainly let you know, there was a time when a really nasty spirit spoke to me, telling me to get out, he was so loud it sounded like he was talking right into my ear, I clearly picked him up on audio, it did upset me a lot, as I said, we are very respectful and its not nice when spirit cant be the same, although I guess we were in his territory.

I do not believe in Demons, for a few reasons, firstly I don’t believe someone could conjure up a monstrous looking entity by performing some sort of ritual, I know many people disagree with me, but its just something I cannot believe in, also, according to most people, a Demon was never human, its just a mass of unseen energy that can be brought to life by people being ill and vulnerable, either mentally or physically, the Demon preys on such people and takes them over while they are in such a state, or they can be conjured by using the Ouija board, or speaking using some sort of Latin and using various herbs and plants. Its just too Hollywood for my liking.

Another thing about Demons is that word brings in the money for a lot of people who are content creators, just use the title “We saw a Demon” Or “A Demon lives in this house” Or what ever. they know using that word will bring them viewers, never once have I actually seen a ‘Demon’ in these videos, people have taken pictures of these creatures from the internet and stated they have seen them in real life, I’m sorry but if the amount of Demons had really been seen that have been claimed, then there would be more of them roaming the earth than people and we would all be getting possessed as soon as we fell ill.

I don’t believe in Fairies, gnomes, or any other elementals, I am not 100% sure about cryptids such as big foot or skin walkers, there could be creatures like this wandering around in the dark forests, in fact we have a legend about our nearby forest, a cryptid known as the Woodwose man apparently lives there, he is similar to big foot but smaller and less hairy, to contact him you have to knock on a tree trunk 3 times and he will knock back, about 3 years ago we decided to give it a go just to see what would happen, we went to the forest one night, knocked on a tree 3 times, straight away we heard this very deep growl followed by knocking, it really freaked Vicky out, I can’t run but boy did I try that night, the knocking followed us all the way to the car and we were pretty sure we heard footsteps following us, I can’t say for sure it was the woodwose man, and we have never heard it since.

So basically the only thing I believe in is once living, once breathing human spirits who are here because they want to be, they will not harm us, most just want to let us know they are still here, the reason I truly believe this, is due to the amount of communication and activity we have had over the years, intelligent communication so we know they can understand us and respond to us.

Another thing that really gets to me is ‘orbs’ the amount of photos I see on paranormal groups that are just pictures of dust, a cobweb, flying insects or lens flare and moisture is unbelievable, I have tried my best to explain what it really is, shown recreations of the same thing that I had taken myself, for example, I have kicked up dust and then taken a photo with an infra red camera, you can see the dust is floating around but the IR light shows it up as a clear round object, but it really is dust and how it looks through infra red. There are such things as true spirit orbs, I have taken a photo of one, they are large solid shining objects there is no mistaking them.

As I mentioned, we do use some equipment on our investigations, the main ones are an EMF meter, which picks up on electromagnetic energy, spirits are made up of energy so if they are close to us the lights on the meter will flash, the higher the lights go, the more energy the spirit has or the closer it is to us. It will also pick up on some electrical things such as plug sockets, and cables, but the locations we go to are right out of the way with no electricity in them at all, they will also be affected by mobile phones so it’s always best to keep the phone right away from the meter, some say putting it in airplane mode will work, but it won’t, the phone has to be switched off or right out of the way. A rem pod, which is similar to an EMF meter, but has an ariel, you can put a rem pod in another room or right away from you as it sounds an alarm when the ariel is touched so you can hear it. Also cat balls or spirit balls, these are made for cats, they light up when lightly touched so a cat will play with them, they are also very useful for an investigation as a spirit can touch them to light them up, they are especially good for child spirits as they like the lights.

We do not use any sort of phone app, I don’t trust them, they say a spirit can manipulate the word bank to give an appropriate reply to a question, I cannot understand how they could do that, how could a spirit see what the 1000s of words are on the app? How could one possibly sort through those words and pick one that is right? From a bit of research I have found that a lot of these apps use GPS or turn your mic on so they know where you are, they can then give words that are appropriate to the location, for example, if you are in a graveyard it could say “Dead”, “I am buried” “its my grave” things like that. They can make a lot of money for the developers though.

So our favourite bit of equipment is the Ouija board, a thing most people dread! There is nothing wrong with a Ouija board, its one of the old school pieces of equipment that can allow a spirit to say more than yes or no, If a board is opened and closed properly there is no danger whatsoever of bringing something evil through that will attach itself to you, its the movies that have turned the Ouija board into some sort of evil device used by ‘Demons’ as a way of coming to the earth, I know some will say, “Well my sister used one and she bought something through” Or “ A friend of a friend was possessed by using one” They do not bring evil through, they are an excellent way to communicate with any spirits around.

Anyway I could go on and on when it comes to talking about the paranormal so I had better stop here, I wont go into all the investigations as there are way to many, but I will give you the link to some of the best bits of communication we have had so far so you can see for yourself, I’m sure there will be many more to come.

This is the link to our facebook group, you are more than welcome to join and post any experiences you have had, we are a friendly group who all have a belief in the paranormal and I post every day. If the link doesn’t work please search for kindred spirits paranormal.

This first one was in an ancient church, its not used any more for religious purposes but its kept maintained by the local people, we were asked to investigate this one due to the amount of strange goings on by some of the people who visited. This was in the vestry I went in alone and it seems I was not wanted.

This one was at Puddletown Forest near Dorchester in Dorset UK, it was the most horrible voice, he did not sound nice, although there seemed to be another spirit trying to speak as well and he kind of sounded sad.

This was at another wooded area, we didn’t notice at the time but there seems to be a dark figure crouching down watching us.

This was an EVP recorded at Knowlton church earth words in Dorset, It sounds very sad.

As we were finished at a location known as Sally tower were were walking down the steps, it was late at night, in the middle of dense woods, there was no one around, but we heard someone whistling a tune.

This angry spirit does not like women, I felt him touch me, in the next vid you will see the mark he left behind.

And finally, some photos taken at the locations, including the mark left behind by the spirit who touched me.

So that’s just about it, I hope you have managed to get through it all, we have many more investigations planned and I cant see a time we will ever stop, obviously sooner or later I will not be physically able to wander round abandoned locations, or wade through thick undergrowth in forests, but when that time comes I will find something new to do where the paranormal is concerned.

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