Haunted York: Top 10 Hotspots

York, with its ancient streets and timeworn buildings, is a treasure trove of haunted hotspots. This is quite possibly my most favourite haunted city in the UK followed very close by Edinburgh. Grab your cuppa and settle in as we take a leisurely stroll through the top 10 haunted locations in this charming city.

Golden Fleece Haunted York

The Golden Fleece Inn isn’t just a pub; it’s my go-to haunt. With its timeworn charm and whispers of Lady Alice Peckett, every visit feels like catching up with old friends, both living and spectral. It is also the oldest Licenced premises in York dating back to 1503.

The Treasurer’s House is a gem in Haunted York’s crown. I’ve lost count of the times I’ve wandered through its elegant rooms, feeling the presence of Roman soldiers and the lady in the blue dress. It’s history, mystery, and a touch of the supernatural all rolled into one.

The Treasurer's House

The Haunted Vicarage has become my cozy home away from home. With its stories of a spectral vicar and the gentle hum of ghostly footsteps, every stay feels like a comforting embrace from the other side.


4. The Shambles: Shopping with Ghosts

The Shambles is my favourite haunt for a different kind of shopping – ghost hunting. The crooked, medieval buildings tell tales of Margaret Clitherow and shadowy figures, making it a must-visit spot for both history buffs and ghost enthusiasts like me. This place really is beautiful and just like being in a fairy tale.

Shambles York

York Castle Museum isn’t just a museum; it’s a time-traveling experience. I’ve walked its halls, feeling the energy of ghostly children and the Victorian lady. It’s like stepping into the past with a spectral tour guide.

Castle York

The Guy Fawkes Inn, named after the infamous plotter himself, is a regular stop on my haunted itinerary. The flickering lights, mysterious footsteps, and the lingering scent of gunpowder add a layer of historical spookiness to my stays.

guyfawks york

York Minster is more than a cathedral; it’s a spiritual journey with a ghostly twist. From Roman legionnaires patrolling underground to the mysterious figure in the Central Tower, every visit feels like a communion with the divine and the spectral.

York Minster

The Black Swan Inn isn’t your typical pub; it’s my haunt of choice for spirits, both poured and paranormal. The tales of the Canadian airman and the mischievous Geoff make every visit a lively and spirited experience.

The-Black-Swan York
St. Mary's Abbey York

St. Mary’s Abbey offers me a serene escape with a touch of the eerie. The ruins echo with the tales of hooded figures and the ghostly nun, making it a perfect spot for reflection and ghostly encounters.


The York Dungeon may be theatrical, but it’s a regular haunt for me. The tales of plague doctors, highwaymen, and ghostly apparitions blend history and entertainment in a way that keeps drawing me back.

These spots aren’t just destinations; they’ve become part of my York narrative, each visit adding a new layer to the city’s rich tapestry of history and hauntings. So here’s to Haunted York – a city that knows how to embrace its spirits and share its stories with those willing to listen! Check out recommended places by the Mystic Realm Blog to stay below: Cheers to the haunted adventures yet to come!

Recommended Places to Stay in York:


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